session 4

Finding Time in Practice

by Sagarika Suri

on Friday, 23 February 2024
at 5:30 pm IST

at School of Environment & Architecture,
Eksar Road, near C.K.P Colony, Borivali West, Mumbai 400 091.
“Finding Time in Practice” is a conversation between two practices running parallel to each other at varying speeds. Studio Tessera is a small architecture and design practice committed to exploring typology, flexibility and mobility. rockpaperscissors is an even smaller material lab with big ideas.

Liquidply products made from waste plywood have been one outcome of this practice. Both practices feed off each other in a studio-workshop format, by cross subsidising and augmenting information and technology exchange. Together, they become a microcosm of an ideal that balances the quickness and agility of commercial projects and the slow, iterative nature of craft practice.


Sagarika Suri is a practicing architect in Mumbai with diverse interests in planning, architecture, interior and furniture design. She has degrees from CEPT, Ahmedabad and MIT, USA, she also teaches at KRVIA, Mumbai.

This is a hybrid lecture series free and open to everyone across the world. The series is partly supported by Urban Centre Mumbai.

A SEA City Initiative.